package messages
import (
type KRBError struct {
PVNO int `asn1:"explicit,tag:0"`
MsgType int `asn1:"explicit,tag:1"`
CTime time .Time `asn1:"generalized,optional,explicit,tag:2"`
Cusec int `asn1:"optional,explicit,tag:3"`
STime time .Time `asn1:"generalized,explicit,tag:4"`
Susec int `asn1:"explicit,tag:5"`
ErrorCode int32 `asn1:"explicit,tag:6"`
CRealm string `asn1:"generalstring,optional,explicit,tag:7"`
CName types .PrincipalName `asn1:"optional,explicit,tag:8"`
Realm string `asn1:"generalstring,explicit,tag:9"`
SName types .PrincipalName `asn1:"explicit,tag:10"`
EText string `asn1:"generalstring,optional,explicit,tag:11"`
EData []byte `asn1:"optional,explicit,tag:12"`
func NewKRBError (sname types .PrincipalName , realm string , code int32 , etext string ) KRBError {
t := time .Now ().UTC ()
return KRBError {
PVNO : iana .PVNO ,
MsgType : msgtype .KRB_ERROR ,
STime : t ,
Susec : int ((t .UnixNano () / int64 (time .Microsecond )) - (t .Unix () * 1e6 )),
ErrorCode : code ,
SName : sname ,
Realm : realm ,
EText : etext ,
func (k *KRBError ) Unmarshal (b []byte ) error {
_ , err := asn1 .UnmarshalWithParams (b , k , fmt .Sprintf ("application,explicit,tag:%v" , asnAppTag .KRBError ))
if err != nil {
return krberror .Errorf (err , krberror .EncodingError , "KRB_ERROR unmarshal error" )
expectedMsgType := msgtype .KRB_ERROR
if k .MsgType != expectedMsgType {
return krberror .NewErrorf (krberror .KRBMsgError , "message ID does not indicate a KRB_ERROR. Expected: %v; Actual: %v" , expectedMsgType , k .MsgType )
return nil
func (k *KRBError ) Marshal () ([]byte , error ) {
b , err := asn1 .Marshal (*k )
if err != nil {
return b , krberror .Errorf (err , krberror .EncodingError , "error marshaling KRBError" )
b = asn1tools .AddASNAppTag (b , asnAppTag .KRBError )
return b , nil
func (k KRBError ) Error () string {
etxt := fmt .Sprintf ("KRB Error: %s" , errorcode .Lookup (k .ErrorCode ))
if k .EText != "" {
etxt = fmt .Sprintf ("%s - %s" , etxt , k .EText )
return etxt
func processUnmarshalReplyError(b []byte , err error ) error {
switch err .(type ) {
case asn1 .StructuralError :
var krberr KRBError
tmperr := krberr .Unmarshal (b )
if tmperr != nil {
return krberror .Errorf (err , krberror .EncodingError , "failed to unmarshal KDC's reply" )
return krberr
default :
return krberror .Errorf (err , krberror .EncodingError , "failed to unmarshal KDC's reply" )
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